The objective of the ILP Task Force 8 is to support the IHFC in coordinating the Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Project to provide a quality controlled, authenticated global database of heat flow values and other thermal data. To this end, screening, assessing, and updating each data entry compiled in the Global Heat Flow Database since 1939 is required. All project collaborators contribute to the revision of selected papers in this process.
All ILP Task Force Leaders can be contacted regarding the assessment project. Each one is managing the revision of publications from a different region. To get support with the publications you are revising, please, contact the person in charge of a region of your specific interest:
Sven Fuchs (member profile: Central/Northern Europe, Russia (European part)
Massimo Verdoya(member profile): Central/Southern Europe, North Africa, Middle East
Raquel Negrete Aranda (member profile): Eastern Pacific, Western part of America
Shaowen Liu (member profile): Asia
Robert Harris (member profile): Caribbean, Atlantic
Graeme Beardsmore: ((member profile): Australia/Oceania
Follow the updates of the Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Project here. The latest data releases are listed here. If you are interested in contributing, contact one of the TF chairs or one of the IHFC members.