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  • Child level: [Definition] C38 - Date of acquisition
    Answer: ID C38 Field name Date of acquisition Short name q_date Unit - Field type POSIX date (YYYY-MM) Obligation M Level C Domain B,S Group Temp Quality relevance - Field Description The entry gives the year of the acquisition of the temperature data (which may differ from ...
  • Child level: What should I do for the date of acquisition if it was not clarified in
    Answer: The first mentioned date should be taken. E.g., 1991-01 and 2010-01 for the above examples. ...
  • heatflow.fellowship program: Are the accommodation costs paid directly by the fellows?
    Answer: No, the accommodation costs are paid by the GFZ Potsdam. This is independent of where the fellows are hosted. Fellows are in charge for organising the ...
  • heatflow.fellowship program: Does a fellow need a German bank account for reimbursement processes?
    Answer: No, its not mandatory. However, please take into account that the fellowships are granted under EU/German travel reimbursement law. The GFZ is organizing the administrative process. ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C03 - Heat-flow method
    Answer: ID C03 Field name Heat-flow method Short name q_method Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation M Level C Domain B,S Group Heat flow Quality relevance - Field Description Principal method of heat-flow calculation from temperature and thermal conductivity data. Allowed entries: controlled vocabulary Allowed range of ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C08 - Primary data reference
    Answer: ID C08 Field name Primary data reference Short name data_reference Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation R Level C Domain B,S Group Meta Quality relevance - Field Description References of primary data publication related to the respective heat-flow entry. Allowed range of values [First author_Year_Title_Journal/ Publisher_doi] Value description - Choice ...
  • Parent level: [Definition] P12 - Type of exploration method
    Answer: ID P12 Field name Type of exploration method Short name explo_method Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation M Level P Domain B Group Meta Quality relevance - Field Description Specification of the general means by which the rock was accessed by temperature sensors for the ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C12 - Flag temperature corrections (instrumental correction)
    Answer: ID C12 Field name Flag temperature corrections (instrumental correction) Short name corr_T_flag Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation M Level C Domain B,S Group Meta Quality relevance - Field Description Specifies if instrumental corrections to the measured temperature data were required and performed, e.g. for ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C24 - Bottom-water temperature
    Answer: ID C24 Field name Bottom-water temperature Short name water_temperature Unit °C Field type Float (2 decimal places) Obligation O Level C Domain S Group Meta Quality relevance - Field Description Seafloor temperature where surface heat-flow value (q) is taken. e.g. PT 100 or Mudline temperature for ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C25 - Lithology
    Answer: ID C25 Field name Lithology Short name geo_lithology Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation O Level C Domain B,S Group Meta Quality relevance - Field Description Dominant rock type/lithology within the interval of heat-flow determination. Allowed range of values = Multiple choices = Value description Use existing CGI simple ...

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