FAQ Overview

heatflow.fellowship program

Does a fellow need a German bank account for reimbursement processes?

No, its not mandatory.

However, please take into account that the fellowships are granted under EU/German travel reimbursement law. The GFZ is organizing the administrative process. If GFZ is not possible to connect to your bank, we cannot reimburse your travel costs. Your bank institute at least should provide SWIFT information, like:

  • US Bank
  • Country: USA
  • Account holder name
  • Account number: 1234XXXXXXXX
  • ROUTING NUMBER: 123456789

If your bank institute is located in Europe, IBAN, BIC and account holder name are sufficient.

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-29 15:01

Are the accommodation costs paid directly by the fellows?

No, the accommodation costs are paid by the GFZ Potsdam. This is independent of where the fellows are hosted. Fellows are in charge for organising the accomodation (with the help of the hosting scientists). Independently of the actual hosting institute, each fellow requires the status of a guest researcher at GFZ Potsdam to allow the GFZ to process the payments. The GFZ Potsdam (as entinity who is doing the financial transactions for the IHFC) must be named in the renting contract for the accomodation! Please make sure that the invoice/contract for the fellow’s accommodation is issued to the GFZ. Please use the following information: Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Scientist’s name Telegrafenberg 14473, Potsdam, Germany Please, ensure also, that the invoice considers, if applicable: 1. Complete name and complete address of the performing company 2. Tax number or value-added tax identification number of the performing company 3. Issuance date 4. Invoice number 5. Amount and type of the delivered items or extent and type of other performance 6. Time of renting 7. The charges, broken down by tax rates 8. The tax rate to be applied, as well as the amount of tax due on the charges

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-29 20:13

Does a fellow need a Euro currency bank account in her/his country to refund of travel grant?

No, a Euro currency bank account is not required. However, the overall reimbursement will be processed in Euro and then transfered to the fellows account. Please, consider: https://ihfc-iugg.org/howto/index.php?action=faq&cat=1&id=3&artlang=en

Author: Sven Fuchs
Last update: 2023-03-29 20:17

How can I find student housing, shared flats, etc ? and what is the approximate average monthly rent?

The following contact points can help with organizing an accomodation:

Potsdam, Germany (GFZ Potsdam)

  • Welcome Center Potsdam
  • Write an email to gfz-l@gfz-potsdam.de and ask the GFZ colleagues directly for support.

Paris, France (Sorbonne University)

Ensenada, Mexico (CICESE)

Genoa, Italy (DISTAV)

Denver, USA (SMU)

Melbourne, Australia (University of Melbourne)

Nanjing, China (Nanjing University)

Author: Sven Fuchs
Last update: 2023-03-31 22:04

When can a fellow get payment for the living expenses? At the end of each month or at the end of her/his visit

Independent of the hosting institutions, the GFZ is processing the reimbursements. The payment will be ususally proceeded toward the end of the fellowships. However, if an intermediate payment is urgently required, please contact the GFZ members.

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-04-07 16:14

Data Assessment - how to do it » GHFDB structure explained » Parent level

[Definition] P01 - Heat-flow value

Access denied

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:11

[Definition] P02 - Heat-flow uncertainty

Access denied

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:12

[Definition] P01 - Heat-flow value 

ID P01
Field name Heat-flow value 
Short name q
Unit mW/m²
Field type Float (1 decimal place)
Obligation M
Level P
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance U score
Field Description Surface heat-flow value (q) for the location after all corrections for instrumental and environmental effects.
Allowed range of values -999,999.9 – 999,999.9
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 19:57

[Definition] P02 - Heat-flow uncertainty

ID P02
Field name Heat-flow uncertainty
Short name q_uncertainty
Unit mW/m²
Field type Float (1 decimal place)
Obligation M
Level P
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance U score
Field Description Uncertainty (one standard deviation) of the heat-flow value [q] estimated by an error propagation from uncertainty in thermal conductivity and temperature gradient, standard deviation from the average of the heat flow intervals or deviation from the linear regression of the Bullard plot
Allowed range of values 0 – 999,999.9
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:06

[Definition] P03 - Site name

ID P03
Field name Site name
Short name name
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level P
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Specification of the (local) name of the related heat-flow site or the related survey. Should be consistent with the publication.
Allowed range of values -
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:10

[Definition] P04 - Latitude (Geographical)

ID P04
Field name Latitude (Geographical)
Short name lat_NS
Unit degrees
Field type Float (5 decimal places)
Obligation M
Level P
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Latitude (lat) is a geographic coordinate that specifies the North–South (NS) position of a point on the planetary's surface. The Equator has a latitude of 0°, the North Pole has a latitude of 90° North (written +90), and the South Pole has a latitude of 90° South (written −90). Numeric values (2 digits) with 5 decimal places are used for this database item instead of the N or S format (e.g., -80.00000 instead of 80° S).
Allowed range of values -90.00000 – +90.00000
Value description according to ISO 6709
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:10

[Definition] P05 - Longitude (Geographical)

ID Field name Short name Unit Field type Obligation Level Domain Group Quality relevance Field Description Allowed range of values Value description Choice Box
P02 Heat-flow uncertainty q_uncertainty mW/m² Float (1 decimal place) M P B,S Meta U score Uncertainty (one standard deviation) of the heat-flow value [q] estimated by an error propagation from uncertainty in thermal conductivity and temperature gradient, standard deviation from the average of the heat flow intervals or deviation from the linear regression of the Bullard plot 0 – 999,999.9 - no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:12

[Definition] P06 - Elevation (Geographical)

ID P06
Field name Elevation (Geographical)
Short name elevation
Unit m
Field type float (2 decimal places)
Obligation M
Level P
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance M score (probe sensing)
Field Description The elevation of a geographic location is its height above (land elevation) or below (water depth) mean sea level.
Caution: different national reference systems are used. Also the reference level may be diverse depending on the study (drilling, lake, marine…).
Allowed range of values -12000 – +9000
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:13

[Definition] P07 - Basic geographical environment

ID P07
Field name Basic geographical environment
Short name environment
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level P
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Describes the general geographical setting of the heat-flow site (not the applied methodology).
Allowed range of values [Onshore (continental)]
[Onshore (lake, river, etc.)]
[Offshore (continental)]
[Offshore (marine)]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:14

[Definition] P08 - General comments parent level

ID P08
Field name General comments parent level
Short name p_comment
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level P
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Comments on the reported heat-flow location value.
Allowed range of values -
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:16

[Definition] P09 - Flag heat production of the overburden (heat-flow correction) 

ID P09
Field name Flag heat production of the overburden (heat-flow correction) 
Short name corr_HP_flag
Unit -
Field type BIT field
Obligation R
Level P
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Specifies if corrections to the calculated heat flow considers the contribution of the heat production of the overburden to the terrestrial surface heat flow q. 
Allowed range of values [Yes]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:19

[Definition] P10 - Total measured depth

ID P10
Field name Total measured depth
Short name total_depth_MD
Unit m
Field type float (2 decimal places)
Obligation R
Level P
Domain B
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Specification of the total measured depth below mean sea level.
Caution: different national reference systems are used. Also the reference level may be diverse depending on the study (drilling, lake, marine…).
Allowed range of values -12,000 – +9,000
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:20

[Definition] P11 - Total true vertical depth

ID P11
Field name Total true vertical depth
Short name total_depth_TVD
Unit -
Field type float (2 decimal places)
Obligation R
Level P
Domain B
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Specification of the total true vertical depth below mean sea level.
Caution: different national reference systems are used. Also the reference level may be diverse depending on the study (drilling, lake, marine…).
Allowed range of values -12,000 – +9,000
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:20

[Definition] P12 - Type of exploration method

ID P12
Field name Type of exploration method
Short name explo_method
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level P
Domain B
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Specification of the general means by which the rock was accessed by temperature sensors for the respective data entry.
Allowed range of values [Drilling]
[Probing (onshore/lake, river, etc.)]
[Probing (offshore/ocean)]
[Other (specify in comments)]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:21

[Definition] P13 - Original exploration purpose

ID P13
Field name Original exploration purpose
Short name explo_purpose
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level P
Domain B
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Main purpose of the reconnaissance target providing access for the temperature sensors.
Allowed range of values [Hydrocarbon]
[Underground storage]
[Other (specify in comments)]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:21

How many parent-level heat-flow values can be stored for a single location?

Only one parent heat-flow value can be stored for a single locations. The parent heat flow value q represents the best estimate for the terrestrial surface heat flow at a location.

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-04-07 15:57

Data Assessment - how to do it » GHFDB structure explained » Child level

[Definition] C01 - Heat-flow value child

ID C01
Field name Heat-flow value child
Short name qc
Unit mW/m²
Field type Float (1 decimal place)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Heat flow
Quality relevance U score
Field Description Any kind of heat-flow value (qc).
Allowed range of values -999,999.9 – 999,999.9
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:23

[Definition] C02 - Heat-flow uncertainty child

ID C02
Field name Heat-flow uncertainty child
Short name qc_uncertainty
Unit mW/m²
Field type Float (1 decimal place)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Heat flow
Quality relevance U score
Field Description Uncertainty (one standard deviation) of the heat-flow value [qc] estimated by an error propagation from uncertainty in thermal conductivity and temperature gradient or deviation from the linear regression of the Bullard plot (corrected preferred over measured gradient).
Allowed range of values 0 – 999,999.9
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:24

[Definition] C03 - Heat-flow method

ID C03
Field name Heat-flow method
Short name q_method
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Heat flow
Quality relevance -
Field Description Principal method of heat-flow calculation from temperature and thermal conductivity data. Allowed entries: controlled vocabulary
Allowed range of values [Interval method]
[Bullard plot]
[Numerical inversion]
[Other (specify in coments)]
Value description [Interval method]: Fourier's Law or Product or Interval method - product of the mean thermal gradient to the mean thermal conductivity with reference to a specified depth interval]; [Bullard plot]: heat-flow value given as the angular coefficient of the linear regression of the thermal resistance vs. temperature data (used when there is a significant variation of thermal conductivity within the depth range over which the temperatures have been measured)]; [Boot-strapping]: iterative procedure aimed at minimize the difference between the measured and modelled temperatures by solving the 1-D steady-state conductive geotherm (radiogenic heat production of rocks is accounted for); [Numerical inversion]: Computational inversion of borehole heat transport model
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:27

[Definition] C04 - Heat-flow interval top

ID C04
Field name Heat-flow interval top
Short name q_top
Unit m
Field type Float (2 decimal places)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Heat flow
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Describes the true vertical depth (TVD) of the top end of the heat-flow determination interval relative to the land surface/seafloor.
Allowed range of values 0 – 19,999.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:28

[Definition] C05 - Heat-flow interval bottom

ID C05
Field name Heat-flow interval bottom
Short name q_bottom
Unit m
Field type Float (2 decimal places)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B
Group Heat flow
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Describes the true vertical depth (TVD) of the bottom end of the heat-flow determination interval relative to the land surface.
Allowed range of values 0 – 19,999.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:28

[Definition] C06 - Penetration depth

ID C06
Field name Penetration depth
Short name probe_penetration
Unit m
Field type Float (2 decimal places)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain S
Group Heat flow
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Penetration depth of marine probe into the sediment.
Allowed range of values 0 – 999.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:29

[Definition] C07 - Primary publication reference

ID C07
Field name Primary publication reference
Short name publication_reference
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description References of primary publication related to the respective heat-flow entry.
Allowed range of values [First author_Year_Title_Journal/ Publisher_doi]
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:29

[Definition] C08 - Primary data reference

ID C08
Field name Primary data reference
Short name data_reference
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description References of primary data publication related to the respective heat-flow entry.
Allowed range of values [First author_Year_Title_Journal/ Publisher_doi]
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:33

[Definition] C09 - Relevant child

ID C09
Field name Relevant child
Short name relevant_child
Unit -
Field type Boolean field
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Specifies whether the child entry is used for computation of representative location heat-flow values at the parent level or not. 
Allowed range of values [Yes]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:34

[Definition] C10 - General comments child level

ID C10
Field name General comments child level
Short name c_comment
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level P
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Comments and further specifications to the individual reported heat-flow determination.
Allowed range of values -
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:34

[Definition] C11 - Flag in-situ thermal properties

ID C11
Field name Flag in-situ thermal properties
Short name corr_IS_flag
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Specifies whether the in-situ pressure and temperature conditions were considered to the reported thermal conductivity value or not.
Allowed range of values [Considered – p]
[Considered – T]
[Considered – pT]
[not Considered ]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:38

[Definition] C12 - Flag temperature corrections (instrumental correction)

ID C12
Field name Flag temperature corrections (instrumental correction)
Short name corr_T_flag
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Specifies if instrumental corrections to the measured temperature data were required and performed, e.g. for the tilt correction of probes.
Allowed range of values [Tilt corrected]
[Drift corrected]
[not corrected]
[Corrected (specify)]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:36

[Definition] C13 - Flag sedimentation effect (temperature/heat flow correction) 

ID C13
Field name Flag sedimentation effect (temperature/heat flow correction) 
Short name corr_S_flag
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance P score
Field Description Specifies if sedimentation/subsidence effects with respect to the reported heat-flow value were present and if corrections were performed.
Allowed range of values [Present and corrected]
[Present and not corrected]
[Present not significant]
[not recognized]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:37

[Definition] C14 - Flag erosion effect (heat-flow correction) 

ID C14
Field name Flag erosion effect (heat-flow correction) 
Short name corr_E_flag
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance P score
Field Description Specifies if erosion effects with respect to the reported heat-flow value were present and if corrections were performed.
Allowed range of values [Present and corrected]
[Present and not corrected]
[Present not significant]
[not recognized]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 20:38

[Definition] C15 - Flag topographic effect (heat-flow correction) 

ID C15
Field name Flag topographic effect (heat-flow correction) 
Short name corr_TOPO_flag
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance P score
Field Description Specifies if topographic effects with respect to the reported heat-flow value were present and if corrections were performed.
Allowed range of values [Present and corrected]
[Present and not corrected]
[Present not significant]
[not recognized]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:15

[Definition] C16 - Flag paleoclimatic effect (heat-flow correction) 

ID C16
Field name Flag paleoclimatic effect (heat-flow correction) 
Short name corr_PAL_flag
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance P score
Field Description Specifies if climatic conditions (glaciation, post-industrial warming, etc.) with respect to the reported heat-flow value were present and if corrections were performed.
Allowed range of values [Present and corrected]
[Present and not corrected]
[Present not significant]
[not recognized]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:15

[Definition] C17 - Flag transient surface temperature (heat-flow correction) 

ID C17
Field name Flag transient surface temperature (heat-flow correction) 
Short name corr_SUR_flag
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance P score
Field Description Specifies if surface temperature variation (S) or bottom water temperature variation (B) with respect to the reported heat-flow value were present and if corrections were performed.
Allowed range of values [Present and corrected]
[Present and not corrected]
[Present not significant]
[not recognized]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:16

[Definition] C18 - Flag convection processes (heat-flow correction) 

ID C18
Field name Flag convection processes (heat-flow correction) 
Short name corr_CONV_flag
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance P score
Field Description Specifies if convection effects with respect to the reported heat-flow value were present and if corrections were performed.
Allowed range of values [Present and corrected]
[Present and not corrected]
[Present not significant]
[not recognized]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:16

[Definition] C19 - Flag heat refraction effect (heat-flow correction) 

ID C19
Field name Flag heat refraction effect (heat-flow correction) 
Short name corr_HR_flag
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance P score
Field Description Specifies if refraction effects, e.g., due to significant local conductivity contrasts, with respect to the reported heat-flow value were present and if corrections were performed.
Allowed range of values [Present and corrected]
[Present and not corrected]
[Present not significant]
[not recognized]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:17

[Definition] C20 - Expeditions/Platforms/Ship

ID C20
Field name Expeditions/Platforms/Ship
Short name expedition
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Specification of the expedition, cruise, platform or research vessel where the marine heat flow survey was conducted.
Allowed range of values [Expedition cruise number]
[R/V Ship]
[D/V Platform]
[Other (specify in comments)]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:20

[Definition] C21 - Probe type

ID C21
Field name Probe type
Short name probe_type
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Type of heat-flow probe used for measurement.
Allowed range of values [Single Steel probe (Bullard)]
[Violin-Bow probe (Lister)]
[Outrigger probe (Von Herzen) in-situ TC]
[Outrigger probe (autonomous) without corer]
[Outrigger probe (Ewing) with corer]
[Outrigger probe (autonomous) with corer]
[Submersible probe]
[Other (specify in comments)]
Value description -
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:20

[Definition] C22 - Probe length

ID C22
Field name Probe length
Short name probe_length
Unit m
Field type Float (2 deimal places)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Length of marine heat-flow probe.
Allowed range of values 0 – 99.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:21

[Definition] C23 - Probe tilt

ID C23
Field name Probe tilt
Short name probe_tilt
Unit deg
Field type Float (1 decimal place)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain S
Group Meta
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Tilt of the marine heat-flow probe.
Allowed range of values 0 – 99.9
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:21

[Definition] C24 - Bottom-water temperature

ID C24
Field name Bottom-water temperature
Short name water_temperature
Unit °C
Field type Float (2 decimal places)
Obligation O
Level C
Domain S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Seafloor temperature where surface heat-flow value (q) is taken. e.g. PT 100 or Mudline temperature for ocean drilling data.
Allowed range of values -9.99 – 999.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:22

[Definition] C25 - Lithology

ID C25
Field name Lithology
Short name geo_lithology
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation O
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Dominant rock type/lithology within the interval of heat-flow determination.
Allowed range of values = Multiple choices =
Value description Use existing CGI simple lithology (http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology) scheme for naming the lithology.
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:23

[Definition] C26 - Stratigraphic age

ID C26
Field name Stratigraphic age
Short name geo_stratigraphy
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation O
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Meta
Quality relevance -
Field Description Stratigraphic age (series/epoch or stage/age) of the depth range involved in the reported heat-flow determination.
Allowed range of values = Multiple choices =
Value description Use the existing International Chronostratigraphic Chart of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (https://stratigraphy.org).
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:23

[Definition] C27 - Calculated or inferred temperature gradient 

ID C27
Field name Calculated or inferred temperature gradient 
Short name T_grad_mean
Unit K/km
Field type Float (2 decimal places)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Temp
Quality relevance -
Field Description Mean temperature gradient measured for the heat-flow determination interval.
Allowed range of values -99,999.99 – 99,999.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:24

[Definition] C28 - Temperature gradient uncertainty

ID C28
Field name Temperature gradient uncertainty
Short name T_grad_uncertainty
Unit K/km
Field type Float (2 decimal places)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Temp
Quality relevance -
Field Description Uncertainty (one standard deviation) of mean measured temperature gradient [T_grad_mean] as estimated by an error propagation from the uncertainty in the top and bottom temperature determinations or deviation from the linear regression of the temperature-depth data.
Allowed range of values -99,999.99 – 99,999.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:25

[Definition] C29 - Mean temperature gradient corrected

ID C29
Field name Mean temperature gradient corrected
Short name T_grad_mean_cor
Unit K/km
Field type Float (2 decimal places)
Obligation O
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Temp
Quality relevance -
Field Description Mean temperature gradient corrected for borehole (drilling/mud circulation) and environmental effects (terrain effects/topography, sedimentation, erosion, magmatic intrusions, paleoclimate, etc.). Name the correction method in the corresponding item.
Allowed range of values -99,999.99 – 99,999.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:25

[Definition] C30 - Corrected temperature gradient uncertainty

ID C30
Field name Corrected temperature gradient uncertainty
Short name T_grad_uncertainty_cor
Unit K/km
Field type Float (2 decimal places)
Obligation O
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Temp
Quality relevance -
Field Description Uncertainty (one standard deviation) of mean corrected temperature gradient [T_grad_mean_cor] as estimated by an error propagation from the uncertainty in the top and bottom temperature determinations or deviation from the linear regression of the temperature depth data.
Allowed range of values -99,999.99 – 99,999.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:26

[Definition] C31 - Temperature method (top)

ID C31
Field name Temperature method (top)
Short name T_method_top
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B
Group Temp
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Method used for temperature determination at the top of the heat-flow determination interval.
Allowed range of values [LOGeq]
[Other (specify in comments)]
Value description [LOGeq]: continuous temperature logging in borehole equilibrium using semiconductor transducer, or thermistor probe, [LOGpert]: continuous temperature logging perturbed not n equilibrium using semiconductor transducer, or thermistor probe, [cLOG]: corrected temperature log, [DTS]: distributed temperature sensing, [DTS]: distributed temperature sensing corrected for effects, [BHT]: bottom hole temperature--uncorrected, [cBHT]: corrected bottom hole temperature, [DST]: drill stem test, [cDST]: drill stem test corrected for effects, [RTD]: resistance temperature detectors; [CPD]: Curie Point/Depth estimates, [XEN]: Xenolith, [GTM]: Geothermometry, [BSR]: bottom-simulating seismic reflector, [ODTT-PC]: Ocean Drilling Temperature Tool - piston corer, [ODTT-TP]: Ocean Drilling Temperature Tool - thermistor probe, [SUR] surface temperature/bottom water temperature
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:26

[Definition] C32 - Temperature method (bottom)

ID C32
Field name Temperature method (bottom)
Short name T_method_bottom
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B
Group Temp
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Method used for temperature determination at the bottom of the heat-flow determination interval.
Allowed range of values [LOGeq]
[Other (specify in comments)]
Value description [LOGeq]: continuous temperature logging in borehole equilibrium using semiconductor transducer, or thermistor probe, [LOGpert]: continuous temperature logging perturbed not n equilibrium using semiconductor transducer, or thermistor probe, [cLOG]: corrected temperature log, [DTS]: distributed temperature sensing, [DTS]: distributed temperature sensing corrected for effects, [BHT]: bottom hole temperature--uncorrected, [cBHT]: corrected bottom hole temperature, [DST]: drill stem test, [cDST]: drill stem test corrected for effects, [RTD]: resistance temperature detectors; [CPD]: Curie Point/Depth estimates, [XEN]: Xenolith, [GTM]: Geothermometry, [BSR]: bottom-simulating seismic reflector, [ODTT-PC]: Ocean Drilling Temperature Tool - piston corer, [ODTT-TP]: Ocean Drilling Temperature Tool - thermistor probe
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:27

[Definition] C33 - Shut-in time (top)

ID C33
Field name Shut-in time (top)
Short name T_shutin_top
Unit hours
Field type Integer (5)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain B
Group Temp
Quality relevance -
Field Description Time of measurement at the interval top in relation to the end values measured during the drilling are equal to zero.
Allowed range of values 0 – 99,999
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:28

[Definition] C34 - Shut-in time (bottom)

ID C34
Field name Shut-in time (bottom)
Short name T_shutin_bottom
Unit hours
Field type Integer (5)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain B
Group Temp
Quality relevance -
Field Description Time of measurement at the interval bottom in relation to the end values measured during the drilling are equal to zero.
Allowed range of values 0 – 99,999
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:29

[Definition] C35 - Temperature correction method (top)

ID C35
Field name Temperature correction method (top)
Short name T_corr_top
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain B
Group Temp
Quality relevance -
Field Description Applicable only if gradient correction for borehole effects is reported. Approach applied to correct the temperature measurement for drilling perturbations at the top of the interval used for heat-flow determination.
Allowed range of values [Horner plot]
[Cylinder source method]
[Line source explosion method]
[Inverse numerical modelling]
[Other published correction]
[not corrected]
Value description If you select ‘Other published correction’, add the author/doi to the child comment field.
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:30

[Definition] C36 - Temperature correction method (bottom)

ID C36
Field name Temperature correction method (bottom)
Short name T_corr_bottom
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain B
Group Temp
Quality relevance -
Field Description Applicable only if gradient correction for borehole effects is reported. Approach applied to correct the temperature measurement for drilling perturbations at the bottom of the interval used for heat-flow determination.
Allowed range of values [Horner plot]
[Cylinder source method]
[Line source explosion method]
[Inverse numerical modelling]
[Other published correction]
[not corrected]
Value description If you select ‘Other published correction’, add the author/doi to the child comment field.
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:30

[Definition] C37 - Number of temperature recordings

ID C37
Field name Number of temperature recordings
Short name T_number
Unit -
Field type Integer (6)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Temp
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Number of discrete temperature points (e.g. number of used BHT values, log values or thermistors used in probe sensing) confirming the mean temperature gradient [T_grad_mean_meas]. Not the repetition of one measurement at a certain depth. 
Allowed range of values 0 – 999,999
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:30

[Definition] C38 - Date of acquisition

ID C38
Field name Date of acquisition
Short name q_date
Unit -
Field type POSIX date (YYYY-MM)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Temp
Quality relevance -
Field Description The entry gives the year of the acquisition of the temperature data (which may differ from the year of publication). If the month is unknown use 01, i.e. for the year 2005 use 2005-01. For non-unique time values, define a range in the format: ‘YYYY-MM; YYYY-MM’
Allowed range of values years: 1900 – recent, months: 01– 12; unclear: 99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:31

[Definition] C39 - Mean thermal conductivity

ID C39
Field name Mean thermal conductivity
Short name tc_mean
Unit W/(mK)
Field type Float (2 decimal place)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance -
Field Description Mean conductivity in vertical direction representative for the interval of heat-flow determination. The value should reflect the true in-situ conditions for the corresponding heat-flow interval.
Allowed range of values 0 – 99.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:31

[Definition] C40 - Thermal conductivity uncertainty

ID C40
Field name Thermal conductivity uncertainty
Short name tc_uncertainty
Unit W/(mK)
Field type Float (2 decimal place)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance -
Field Description  Uncertainty (one standard deviation) of mean thermal conductivity [tc_mean]
Allowed range of values 0 – 99.99
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:44

[Definition] C41 - Thermal conductivity source

ID C41
Field name Thermal conductivity source
Short name tc_source
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Nature of the samples upon which thermal-conductivity was determined [tc_mean].
Allowed range of values [In-situ probe]
[Core-log integration]
[Core samples]
[Cutting samples]
[Outcrop samples]
[Well-log interpretation]
[Mineral computation]
[Assumed from literature]
[other (specify)]
Value description For 'other' shortly describe the method in the child comment field.
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:48

[Definition] C42 - Thermal conductivity location

ID C42
Field name Thermal conductivity location
Short name tc_location
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Location of conductivity data used for heat-flow calculation.
Allowed range of values [Actual heat-flow location]
[Other location]
Value description [literature/unspecified] only if {tc_source} = [Assumed from literature]
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:49

[Definition] C43 - Thermal conductivity method

ID C43
Field name Thermal conductivity method
Short name tc_method
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Method used for thermal-conductivity determination for [tc_mean].
Allowed range of values [Lab - point source]
[Lab - line source / full space]
[Lab - line source / half space]
[Lab - plane source / full space]
[Lab - plane source / half space]
[Lab - other]
[Probe - pulse technique]
[Well-log - deterministic approach]
[Well-log - empirical equation]
[Estimation - from chlorine content]
[Estimation - from water content/porosity]
[Estimation - from lithology and literature]
[Estimation - from mineral composition]
Value description Examples for lab devices: [Lab - point source] e.g. optical scanning TCS (thermal conductivity scanner); [Lab - line source / full space] e.g. needle probe; [Lab - line source / half space] e.g. TK04; ; [Lab - plane source / full space] e.g. hotdisc TPS, comparator apparatus, divided bar; [Lab - plane source / half space] e.g. modified TPS;
For 'other' shortly describe the method in the child comment field.
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:51

[Definition] C44 - Thermal conductivity saturation

ID C44
Field name Thermal conductivity saturation
Short name tc_saturation
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Saturation state of the studied rock interval studied for thermal conductivity [tc_mean].
Allowed range of values [Saturated measured in-situ]
[Saturated measured]
[Saturated calculated]
[Dry measured]
[other (specify)]
Value description [Saturated measured insitu]: Insitu saturated measured (measurements with probe sensing / marine measurements); [Recovered]: As recovered (rocks have been preserved and measured in close to their natural saturation state); [Saturated measured]: Saturated measured (rocks have been technically saturated completely before measurement); [Saturated calculated]: Saturated calculated (thermal conductivity has been calculated from dry measured rocks, porosity and pore-filling fluid); [Dry measured]: Dry measured - rocks have been technically dried before measurement
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:51

[Definition] C45 - Thermal conductivity pT conditions

ID C45
Field name Thermal conductivity pT conditions
Short name tc_pT_conditions
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Qualified conditions of pressure and temperature under which the mean thermal conductivity [tc_mean] used for the heat-flow computation was determined.
Allowed range of values [Unrecorded ambient pT conditions]
[Recorded ambient pT conditions]
[Actual in-situ (pT) conditions]
[Replicated in-situ (p)]
[Replicated in-situ (T)]
[Replicated in-situ (pT)]
[Corrected in-situ (p)]
[Corrected in-situ (T)]
[Corrected in-situ (pT)]
Value description ‘Recorded’ means determinations under true conditions at target depths (e.g. sensing in boreholes). ‘Replicated conditions’ means determinations where the conditions at target depths are replicated under laboratory conditions. ‘Corrected conditions’ means determinations under laboratory pT conditions that were corrected to conditions at target depths. ‘Actual’ means the condition at the respective depth of the heat-flow interval.
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:52

[Definition] C46 - Thermal conductivity pT assumed function

ID C46
Field name Thermal conductivity pT assumed function
Short name tc_pT_function
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance -
Field Description Technique or approach used to correct the measured thermal conductivity towards in-situ pressure (p) and/or temperature (T) conditions.
Allowed range of values [T - Tikhomirov (1968)]
[T - Kutas & Gordienko (1971)]
[T - Anand et al. (1973)]
[T - Haenel & Zoth (1973)]
[T - Blesch et al. (1983)]
[T - Sekiguchi (1984)]
[T - Chapman et al. (1984)]
[T - Zoth & Haenel (1988)]
[T - Somerton (1992)]
[T - Sass et al. (1992)]
[T - Funnell et al. (1996)]
[T - Kukkonen et al. (1999)]
[T - Seipold (2001)]
[T - Vosteen & Schellschmidt (2003)]
[T - Sun et al. (2017)]
[T - Miranda et al. (2018)]
[T - Ratcliff (1960)]
[p - Bridgman (1924)]
[p - Sibbitt (1975)]
[p - Kukkonen et al. (1999)]
[p - Seipold (2001)]
[p - Durutürk et al. (2002)]
[p - Demirci et al. (2004)]
[p - Görgülü et al. (2008)]
[p - Fuchs & Förster (2014)]
[pT - Radcliff (1960)]
[pT - Buntebarth (1991)]
[pT - Chapman & Furlong (1992)]
[pT - Emirov et al. (1997)]
[pT - Abdulagatov et al. (2006)]
[pT - Emirov & Ramazanova (2007)]
[pT - Abdulagatova et al. (2009)]
[pT - Ramazanova & Emirov (2010)]
[pT - Ramazanova & Emirov (2012)]
[pT - Emirov et al. (2017)]
[Site-specific experimental relationships]
[Other (specify in comments)]
Value description For 'other' shortly describe the method in the child comment field.
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:52

[Definition] C47 - Thermal conductivity number

ID C47
Field name Thermal conductivity number
Short name tc_number
Unit -
Field type Integer (4)
Obligation M
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance M score
Field Description Number of discrete conductivity determinations used to determine the mean thermal conductivity [tc_mean], e.g. number of rock samples with a conductivity value used, or number of thermistors used by probe sensing techniques. Not the repetition of one measurement on one rock sample or one thermistor.
Allowed range of values 0 – 9,999
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:53

[Definition] C48 - Thermal conductivity averaging methodology

ID C48
Field name Thermal conductivity averaging methodology
Short name tc_strategy
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation R
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance -
Field Description Strategy that was employed to estimate the thermal conductivity [tc_mean] over the vertical interval of heat-flow determination.
Allowed range of values [Random or periodic depth sampling (number)]
[Characterize formation conductivities]
[Well log interpretation]
[Computation from probe sensing]
Value description For 'other' shortly describe the method in the child comment field.
Choice Box yes

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:53

[Definition] C49 - IGSN

ID C49
Field name IGSN
Short name Ref_IGSN
Unit -
Field type Char (255)
Obligation O
Level C
Domain B,S
Group Cond
Quality relevance -
Field Description International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSN, semicolon separated) for rock samples used for laboratory measurements of thermal conductivity in the heat flow calculation.
Allowed range of values -
Value description -
Choice Box no

Author: hf_howto_admin
Last update: 2023-03-31 21:55

How / in what order should I add the data If multiple corrections (sedimentation, erosion etc.) were applied (sedimentation, erosion etc.) on it?

Ideally, each correction should have its own child entry. The corrected heat flow would pass onto the parent level. 

Author: Florian
Last update: 2023-04-07 12:28

What should I do if there are multiple heat flow data from different papers for the exact location?

Each sensing for the same location represents on child element. The "best" child heat flow value represents the parent level. This value consists of one or multiple (different papers) child elements. If data is repeated in several papers the primaery publication would represent the parent level heat flow value.

Author: Florian
Last update: 2023-04-07 12:35

What should I do for the date of acquisition if it was not clarified in the paper (for example if it was given as between the years of 1991-1995, or summers of the 2010-2011-2012.

The first mentioned date should be taken. E.g., 1991-01 and 2010-01 for the above examples.

Author: Florian
Last update: 2023-04-07 12:38

The mean TC value is estimated using the lithologies of the borehole. What is the TC source and location?

Source: [Assumed from literature], Location: [Literature/unspecified], method: [Estimation - from lithology and literature]

Author: Helena Liebing
Last update: 2023-05-22 10:14

Some of the mean TC values are calculated using part measured, part estimated from lithology sections of the borehole. How should I indicate that?

Source: [Assumed from literature];[Core sample] you can use both or more but separate them by a semi colon please.

Author: Helena Liebing
Last update: 2023-05-22 10:16