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3 search results

  • Parent level: [Definition] P13 - Original exploration purpose
    Answer: ID P13 Field name Original exploration purpose Short name explo_purpose Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation R Level P Domain B Group Meta Quality relevance - Field Description Main purpose of the reconnaissance target providing access for the temperature sensors. Allowed range of values [Hydrocarbon][Underground storage][Geothermal][Groundwater][Mapping][Mining][Research][Tunneling][Other (specify ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C46 - Thermal conductivity pT assumed function
    Answer: ID C46 Field name Thermal conductivity pT assumed function Short name tc_pT_function Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation R Level C Domain B,S Group Cond Quality relevance - Field Description Technique or approach used to correct the measured thermal conductivity towards in-situ pressure (p) and/or ...
  • Child level: What should I do for the date of acquisition if it was not clarified in
    Answer: The first mentioned date should be taken. E.g., 1991-01 and 2010-01 for the above examples. ...

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