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10 search results

  • Child level: [Definition] C25 - Lithology
    Answer: ID C25 Field name Lithology Short name geo_lithology Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation O Level C Domain B,S Group Meta Quality relevance - Field Description Dominant rock type/lithology within the interval of heat-flow determination. Allowed range of values = Multiple choices = Value description Use existing CGI simple ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C43 - Thermal conductivity method
    Answer: ID C43 Field name Thermal conductivity method Short name tc_method Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation M Level C Domain B,S Group Cond Quality relevance M score Field Description Method used for thermal-conductivity determination for [tc_mean]. Allowed range of values [Lab - point source][Lab - line source ...
  • Child level: The mean TC value is estimated using the lithologies of the borehole. What is the
    Answer: Source: [Assumed from literature], Location: [Literature/unspecified], method: [Estimation - from lithology and literature] ...
  • Child level: Some of the mean TC values are calculated using part measured, part estimated from lithology
    Answer: Source: [Assumed from literature];[Core sample] you can use both or more but separate them by a semi colon please. ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C03 - Heat-flow method
    Answer: ID C03 Field name Heat-flow method Short name q_method Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation M Level C Domain B,S Group Heat flow Quality relevance - Field Description Principal method of heat-flow calculation from temperature and thermal conductivity data. Allowed entries: controlled vocabulary Allowed range of ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C29 - Mean temperature gradient corrected
    Answer: ID C29 Field name Mean temperature gradient corrected Short name T_grad_mean_cor Unit K/km Field type Float (2 decimal places) Obligation O Level C Domain B,S Group Temp Quality relevance - Field Description Mean temperature gradient corrected for borehole (drilling/mud circulation) and environmental effects (terrain effects/topography, sedimentation, ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C31 - Temperature method (top)
    Answer: ID C31 Field name Temperature method (top) Short name T_method_top Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation M Level C Domain B Group Temp Quality relevance M score Field Description Method used for temperature determination at the top of the heat-flow determination interval. Allowed range of values [LOGeq][LOGpert][cLOG][DTSeq][DTSpert][cDTS][BHT][cBHT][DST][cDST][RTDeq][RTDpert][cRTD][CPD][XEN][GTM][BSR][ODTT-PC][ODTT-TP][SUR][Other ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C32 - Temperature method (bottom)
    Answer: ID C32 Field name Temperature method (bottom) Short name T_method_bottom Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation M Level C Domain B Group Temp Quality relevance M score Field Description Method used for temperature determination at the bottom of the heat-flow determination interval. Allowed range of values [LOGeq][LOGpert][cLOG][DTSeq][DTSpert][cDTS][BHT][cBHT][DST][cDST][RTD][CPD][XEN][GTM][BSR][ODTT-PC][ODTT-TP][Other ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C35 - Temperature correction method (top)
    Answer: ID C35 Field name Temperature correction method (top) Short name T_corr_top Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation R Level C Domain B Group Temp Quality relevance - Field Description Applicable only if gradient correction for borehole effects is reported. Approach applied to correct the temperature ...
  • Child level: [Definition] C36 - Temperature correction method (bottom)
    Answer: ID C36 Field name Temperature correction method (bottom) Short name T_corr_bottom Unit - Field type Char (255) Obligation R Level C Domain B Group Temp Quality relevance - Field Description Applicable only if gradient correction for borehole effects is reported. Approach applied to correct the temperature ...

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